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11. Decide if the animal A (Sample 11) is a mammal and what its classification is. How do you know? 12. Look at B (Sample 12). Is this a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 13. Look at C (Sample 13). Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 14. Look at D (Sample 14. Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 15. Look at E (Sample 15). Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family?

1. Compare and contrast the sensory worlds of bats and humans, giving examples of how the two taxa are adapted to their current environments.

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), is their FFZ alive or dead? O Alive Dead Neither, as this person is not present

If Ego (the square) was a heterosexual female residing in a society practicing cross-cousin marriage,how many potential marriage partners would they have in Generation 4? O 3 O 1 O 2

If this kinship diagram came from a patrilineal society practicing Iroqouis kinship terminology, what would Ego call his/her FB? O Father O Uncle O Grandfather O Father's Brother

According to the kinship chart, how many marriages ended in divorce? O 3 O 2 O 4

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), is their MMM alive or dead? O Alive O Neither, as this person is not represented Dead

If this kinship diagram came from a society practicing patrilineal kinship, would Ego's FZD be in the same patriline as Ego? O No, because a female cannot transmit the patriline O Yes, everyone on father's side is a patrilineage member O Yes, because father's sister is in the same patrilineage O No, because adopted children are not considered part of the patriline

If Ego was a male and this kinship diagram came from a society practicing matrilineal kinship andavunculocal post-marital residence, who would ego inherit property from? MFB O FM O MB LL

Based on ego's perspective (the square), how many matrilateral parallel cousins does this person have within Generation 4? 3.

How many adopted children are represented on this chart? O 1 O 3 O 2

According to the kinship chart, how many people are dead? O 3

If this kinship diagram came from a patrilineal society practicing Iroqouis kinship terminology, what would Ego call his/her FB's children? O Brother, as only males can be members of the patrilineage Brother and Sister O None of the above,as these people would be outside the lineage O Cousin

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), how many matrilateral cross cousins does this person have within Generation 4? O 2 O 1

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), how many total parallel cousins does this person have in Generation 4? O 2 O 4

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), how many total cross cousins does this person have in Generation 4? O 2 O 4

If Ego (the square) was a heterosexual male living in a society practicing cross cousin marriage, how many potential marriage partners would they have in Generation 4? 0 1 0 4

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), how many patrilateral cross cousins does this person have in Generation 4.

If Ego was a male and this kinship diagram came from a society practicing matrilineal kinship and avunculocal post-marital residence, how many potential households could he move into after marriage? O 1 because his father has one brother O O because his mother has no sisters 2 because his mother has 2 brothers O 1 because his father has one sister

Based on Ego's perspective (the square), how many patrilateral parallel cousins does this person have in Generation 4? O 2 01

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