Fields And Waves

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A) The speed of light in a œrtain kind of glass is 2.8 x 10° m/s. Find the index of refraction of the glass. B) What is the wavelength of a light wave in the glass of part A) if the wavelength of the light wave is 500 nm in empty space?

6. For the lossless transmission line circuit shown in the Figure, determine the equivalent series lumped-clement circuit at 400 MHz at the input to the line. The line has a characteristic impedance of 50 2 and the insulating layer has &r = 2. 25.

5.11 Find the frequency ranges for TE10 mode operation for those rectangular waveguides listed in Table 1.

9. Use the provided Smith charts to find the values of r (both magnitude and the phuse) corresponding to the given normalized load impedances. Show your work on the Smith chart clearly.

2. A 300-C2 lossless air transmission line is connected to a complex load composed of a resistor in series with an inductor, as shown in the Figure. At 5 MHz, determine: (а) Г, (b) S, (c) location of voltage maximum nearest to the load, and (d) location of current maximum nearest to the load.

3. A 50-2 lossless transmission line is terminated in a load with impedance Z-l = (30-j50) 2. The wavelength is 8 cm. Find: (1) the reflection coefficient at the load, (b) the standing-wave ratio on the line, (c) the position of the voltage maximum nearest the load, (d) the position of the current maximum nearest the load.

5.5 Find the mathematical expressions for a TEM wave in a parallel-plate waveguide that propagates in the -z direction (see Figure 5.1). Sketch the parallel-plate waveguide, and indicate the directions of E, H, and J,

]A body undergoes simple harmonic motion. The period of the motion is T. Which graph shows the variation of total energy E with time/?

5.7 An 8 cm x 12 cm rectangular loop of wire is situated in the x-y plane with the center of the loop at the origin and its long sides parallel to the x-axis. The loop has a current of 50 A flowing clockwise (when viewed from above). Determine the magnetic field at the center of the loop.

10. Use the provided Smith charts to find the normalized input impedance of a lossless line of length1 terminated in a normalized load impedance zI. for each of the following combinations. Show your work on the Smith chart clearly.

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