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9. Complete a dihybrid cross of corn with the two traits of height (tall and short) and color (green and albino) (use the population genetics handout).

8. Using Hardy Weinberg, if there is a class of 19 students and 15 students have a widow's peak, what are the frequencies of each genotype? (Use human genetic taste paper set)

You will take on the role of a genetic counsellor and evaluate the information provided in the scenario. You will produce a risk assessment for the patient or family so that they can make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed with genetic testing. You may present your risk assessment in the form of a report, video, role-play, or a computer slide show presentation. What are some key pieces of information you needed about the patient or family in order to make your assessment? Were you able to come to a conclusive decision regarding risk based purely on information provided by an individual about his or her family? As a genetic counsellor what other types of health-care professionals would you have to work with in order to conduct a genetic risk assessment? Identify some of the ethical issues and challenges that might arise when a patient receives a positive test result.

17. Use the DNA sequence 5'-ATCTCCTGGTAA-3' to demonstrate the effect of each type of mutation on the resulting polypeptide sequence. Include sequences for DNA, mRNA, and polypeptide. a) Missense mutation b) Frameshift mutation Considering the following DNA sequence: 3' CCGTACCCTGTATAAAAC - 5' a. Write the complementary DNA strand that would be produced in replication (A/1): b. Write the complementary mRNA strand that would be produced in transcription (A/1): c. What is the sequence of amino acids that would result from translation of the mRNA sequence? (A/1)

Based on the polypeptide below, determine the nitrogenous base sequence of the original coding strand of DNA. Show your work! Note: there are multiple correct answers. You only need to provide one.

In the following strand of DNA, if a thymine was inserted between the second and third codon (inserted into the DNA), what type of mutation would occur? Provide support for your answer by showing both the original and the new polypeptide chain that would be formed.

Suppose an individual had a mutation in their gene that codes for the production of DNA polymerase I. What issues would this individual experience? Explain by referring to specific concepts learned in class.

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