Global Environmental Issues

Questions & Answers

The Cap and Trade system is an example of the commons regulation pollution an institution

Technology has NOT had aenvironmental harm such as pollution.significant impactonreducing True False

An example of a market failure is Emission of greenhouse gases Emissions of gases causing acid rain Pollution of a river all of the above

2) Glenn Parsons draws a distinction between strong and weak aesthetic preservationism. Explain that distinction. Suppose that a lightning strike has ignited a forest fire in northern Ontario that will destroy anaesthetically valuable forest unless it is extinguished. What would a strong preservationist say about a plan to extinguish the fire? Would she be for or against such a plan? Why or why not?What would a weak preservationist say about a plan to extinguish the fire? Would she be for or against the plan? Why or why not? (In answering these questions, limit your explanation of what the strong and weak preservation isn't would say to considerations that follow from their being strong and weak preservationists, respectively). Using the forest fire example, explain why a critic of strong aesthetic preservationism would say that strong preservationism is self-defeating. Finally, explain why Richard Watson would deny that strong aesthetic preservationism is self-defeating.

The IPAT formula is a way to look at how which factors impact the environment? profit, affluence, temperature population, animals, trees profit and technology population, affluence, technology

Cradle to Cradle design addresses the issue of safety regulations in children's toys recycling and decomposition and health in design is a baby crib company that sources sustainable wood products none of these

Cap and trade has the possibility of being successful at reducinggreenhouse gas emissions because it uses the dynamic of the market to guide polluters toward asocial goal the oil and gas industries are exempt so there won't be aspike in gas prices every nation has signed on to implement it It taxes all the big polluters while leaving the small industries alone

3) Paul Taylor defends "The Attitude of Respect for Nature" according to which all living things(and populations of living things) have inherent worth. Explain what Taylor means when he says that all living things and populations of living things have inherent worth. Also, explain what Taylor mean when he says that having the attitude of respect for nature involves regarding actions that tend to realize the good of organisms and populations of living things to be “primafacie obligatory because they have that tendency". Suppose that the Government of Ontario proposes to build a hydro-electric dam on a river in order to generate electricity. What would someone who had the attitude of respect for nature want to know before forming a judgment about whether building the dam is morally permissible? Give one example of a possible consequence of building the dam that a person with the "the attitude of respect for nature" would count against building the dam and explain why it would count against building it. Would a person with the attitude of respect for nature regard this consequence as a decisive reason to refrain from building the dam? Explain why orwhy not.

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