
Questions & Answers

The gravitational field from a planet of mass M and radius R is given by the value g at the planet's surface. If a small satellite of mass m is at a distance of 4R away from the planet's centre, the gravitational field from the planet experienced by the small satellite is given by:(1 Point)* \frac{1}{m 16} g \frac{m}{16} g \frac{16}{m} g \frac{1}{16} g

2. (1 point) A monochromatic source of light has a wavelength of 640 nm. Calculate it's momentum. If you don't get this in 2 tries, you can get a hint.Answer(s) submitted:

The redshift seen in the light from far away stars has been offered as evidence to support the Big Bang theory. But what is the Big Bang theory? Check out this video to learn more. For each milestone, put in context the time from the Big Bang (t=0). 3A) The first nuclei (H and He) form at about t = 5 3B) The first atoms form at about t = 400 3D) The Sun forms at about t = 9.1 3E) We are born at about t = 13.77

An object of mass m moves in a circle of radius r. It completes n revolutions every second.What is the kinetic energy of the object?* 4 m \pi^{2} n^{2} r^{2} \frac{m n^{2} r^{2}}{4 \pi^{2}} 2 m \pi^{2} n^{2} r^{2} \frac{m n^{2} r^{2}}{8 \pi^{2}}

The gravitational force between point-mass objects X and Y is F1. The mass of X increases and the distance between X and Y is halved. Which statement about the new gravitational force F2 between these two objects is correct? *(1 Doint) O F2= F1 O F2 > 4F1 O 0 < F2 < 0.25F, O 2F1 < F2 < 4F1

A tank contains 20 g of clorine gas (Cl2) at a temperature of83°C and an absolute pressure of 5.6 x 10 Pa. The mass permole of Cl, gas is 70.9 gmol-1. Determine the volume of the tank. (b) Later, the temperature of the tank has dropped to 35°Cand, due to a leak, the pressure has dropped to 3.8 × 10° Pa.How many grams of chlorine gas have leaked out of the tank?

How have scientists determined the age of the universe? Well, the redshift data helped. If you recall from an earlier tutorial, Hubble tweaked the redshift data to communicate the recessional velocity of the stars. In other words, he calculated, based on the redshift data, how quickly the stars seem to be moving away from us. He then plotted the recessional velocities on the y axis against distance from Earth on the x axis. The slope of the line produced from this data is referred to as the Hubble Constant, and is given the symbol Hg. This number is still under dispute, but is thought to be somewhere around 70km/s/Mpc (70 kilometers per second per megaparsec). This value provides the rate of expansion of the universe. The inverse of this constant offers on estimate of the age of the universe.Calculate it for yourself - what is the approximate age of the universe?

5. (1 point) An electron is thermionically emitted from a hot cathode and is accelerated between the cathode to an anode which are respectively held at electric potentials of 100 V and2950 V. (a) Calculate the kinetic energy (EKE) acquired by the elec-tron in joules. (b) Calculate the kinetic energy (EKE) acquired by the elec-tron in electronvolts. (c) Calculate the velocity (v) acquired by the electron. Express you answer in terms of the standard SI units for the quantity.

Satellites N and F have the same mass and are in circular orbits about the same planet.The orbital radius of F is greater than that of N. Which is greater for F than for N? O gravitational force on the satellite orbital period O kinetic energy O angular speed

LAB #6: SIMPLE PENDULUM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • Determine g, the acceleration due to gravity, using a pendulum. • Conduct a pendulum experiment using household items. After doing the experiment as it says in the lab and calculating all the data and answering all the questions please write a lab report. All the data and the tables should be in the report. Also, all the instructions in the lab report are clear. Please take pictures for your own experiment. Informal lab: Include a series of questions listed in the lab instructions, and images detailing your experiment tables, plots, or pictures). Questions are in bold and labeled with >Q#: You should write your an- answers so they work as standalone statements. For example: if the question asks "What is the force of tension?" your answer should read "The force of tension of a string with a 500 g weight hanging from it is 4.9 N "0.1 N," not "It is 5 N." One-word answers like "No" are not acceptable. LAB 3 REQUIRED FOR THIS IS ADDED IN REFERENCE SECTION. YOU NEED TO DO THE LAB FIRTS AND THEN MAKE A LAB REPORT

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