Health Assessment And Wellness And Community Health

Questions & Answers

9) Family week in substance abuse treatment is usually to

-) To make changes and to be mentally prepared for treatment at any level, Norcross, Krebs, and Prochaska (2011),say the individual must be at the stage of

26) Which ethnicity has the highest weekly alcohol consumption of any ethnic group?

3) The 2009 Monitoring the Future survey found that by eighth grade, approximately____of children had used alcohol__- had used tobacco and ___- had used marijuana

□) Recovery is characterized by all but one of the following:

1) According to a 2013 SAMHSA survey, the following is true about U.S. tobacco use: Youths aged 12 to 17 had the highest rates of use of the specific tobacco products, (b) Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest rates of use of the specific tobacco products. (c) Adults aged 26 to 60 had the highest rates of use of the specific tobacco products. (d) Senior Citizens aged 61 and older had the highest rates of use of the specific tobacco products.

The legal and ethical requirement to inform clients of the potential risks and benefits of counseling is:

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