Leadership Skills

Questions & Answers

You are required to compile an e-Portfolio over the 6-week block, which is an online representation of your academic and professional accomplishments and achievements. It is a great way to keep all your learning and assessment in one place to highlight your abilities and capabilities as a professional and to demonstrate your achievement of the learning outcomes for the unit.

watch the movie Remember the titans and answer these questions based on the concept of leadership. (19 questions, attached in the word file and answer the questions using examples from the movie, use the characters) Also write a minimum one page reflection on how the different elements of the relational leadership model are demonstrated in the film. (use the relational leadership model for the one page essay)

The assignment is for the Leadership course. It should be written very very professional.

Assessment Task:2 Leading & Managing Organisational Resources Please review the case study "Case Study for Business Report: "WeWork" and prepare a case study analysis with a business report of 3600 words based on the topic below: "Critically analyse the organisations (WeWork). Effectively and efficiently develop sustainable leadership initiatives to improve resource management and enhance productivity and performance with a focus on financial performance and people." 1. Cover page 2. Executive summary (Maximum 1 page, not counting in 3600 words) Para1: (Orient the reader.) Sustainable leadership initiatives to improve resource management and enhance productivity and performance (short paragraph) Para2: (Purpose of the assignment.) a. This is to critically analyze the main challenges faced by WE WORK which hinder the organization's productivity and performance. C. b. Critically evaluate how sustainable leadership initiatives improve resource management and enhance productivity and performance with a focus on financial performance and people. This assignment provides a set of short-term and mid-term recommendations to improve the productivity and performance of WE WORK to achieve sustainable growth. Para 3: Summary of key findings Summary of the conclusion based on solid findings in terms of challenges. Para 4: Summary of recommendation for overall effectiveness and sustainability.

The review is based on research, by selecting one of the topics related to business psychology, such as: Motivation at work, w burnout, Work Performance, work attributes,....etc. The review article should cover all the following points: A- Introduction B- theoretical foundation (Theory or model explain the chosen topic) C- Implications D- Conclusion.

Students are to write a paper about themselves using the articles, class lectures, presentations, and videos as a guideline.

3. Why does business resiliency after COVID-19 require cross-silo leadership?

What skills and leadership capabilities will be most prized as organizations continue to adjust to this “new normal" and learn to thrive with a remote workforce?

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