Microprocessor and Microcontroller

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1. Write down the general formula of the following: The required minimum memory address size. The maximum addressable memory size

2. Find the maximum addressable memory size of the following address size in MB and GB: o 20-bits o 24-bits o 32-bits o 36-bits

3. Find the minimum address size of the following Memory size: o 16 GB o 256 MB o 256 KB o 25 TB

a. List all storage units and what kind of data they can store (data,instructions, addresses)? b. What is the address range (in hex) for the instruction PROM? How many cycles does an instruction consume? d. What is the purpose of NOP instruction? e. List all instructions that directly manipulate the call/return stack. f. How many clock cycles does instruction decode take? g. What is the purpose of the interrupt input? How can we disable interrupts? h. What flags does the test instruction affect? Does it affect the register contents? i. When we execute a call instruction, does the PicoBlaze save the register file contents? j. What is the difference between ADD and ADDCY instructions? Explain why we need two variants of ADD instruction?

1) What is assembly language, mnemonics, opcode and operands? Please provide severalexamples.

[1 pt] What is the decimal value of this 8-bitnumber, assuming that it is a signed number represented in two's complement? The 8-bitnumber is 11101010.

5. [1 pt] Explain the difference between little ENDIAN and big endian notation. Which notation does your assembly language use with memory?

a. What does FPGA stand for? b. Draw the basic architecture of a simple FPGA. Identify each type of resource and briefly explain its purpose. c. Mention three advantages and three disadvantages of using FPGAs. d. List the steps to "compile" a user design onto an FPGA. Briefly, explain what happens in each step. e. Research any other FPGA architecture (other than Spartan 3 or Virtex IIfamilies) and provide the device specific of the FPGA family.***

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