Nursing Research And Evidence Based Practice

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Part B 1- Propose a PDCA improvement project to address a healthcare problem of your choice. Ensure to describe in detail the problem you wish to address and analyze its possible causes using the Fishbone Diagram tool and Pareto chart. Identify the vita few causes (2) and address them with a suitable solution. 2- Explain how you will implement the solution. Indicate how you will know (which measurement?) that an improvement will take place when you implement the project. Describe the data collection plan.

Learning Activity #1 for Week 2 1. Look at the TOC of the December issue of Journal of Nursing Research 2. Select 5 articles. DO NOT pick articles that contain the terms "Qualitative" or "Quantative" in the title. 3. Identify whether the research reported is qualitative or quantitative 4. Explain why choose the specific methodology for each title. 5. Try to select both types of articles to help you differentiate between the two types of research 6. Submit your assignment byy 2/8 at 11:59 pm

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