Reaction Engineering

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b. An equimolar mixture of: 40% n-butane, 10% n-hexane, 10% n-heptane, 20% benzene, and 20% toluene are fed to the flash separator at 35 °C and 100 kPa: i. What are the dew and bubble pressures? (A: 100 kPA, 20 kPa) ii. What fraction of the mixture is vapor and what fraction of the vapor is benzene? (A: 20% vapor, 5% benzene)

Questions: (a) Determine the concentration profile down the river, CA(z). (b) The water in the river is toxic as long as CA> 0.005CAO. Find an expression to estimate the distance downriver (L) beyond where the river is safe.

Question 5. A certain reaction has the following general form: aA-> bB At a particular temperature and [A], = 2.00 × 10-² M, concen- tration versus time data were collected for this reaction, and a plot of In[A] versus time resulted in a straight line with a slope value of -2.97 x 10-2 min ¹. a. Determine the rate law, the integrated rate law, and the value of the rate constant for this reaction. b. Calculate the half-life for this reaction. c. How much time is required for the concentration of A to de- crease to 2.50 × 10-³ M?

Question 6. Experimental data for the reaction A-->2B + C have been plotted in the following three different ways (with con- centration units in mol/L):

The rate law for the reaction2NOBr(g)>2NO(g)+Br2(8)at some temperature isRate△[NOBt=K[NOBr]2△ta.If the half-life for this reaction is 2.00 s when [NOBrlo0.900 M,calculate the value of k for this reaction.b.How much time is required for the concentration of NOBr todecrease to 0.100 M?

Question 8. The reaction (CH3)3CBr + OH---->(CH3)3COH + Br in a certain solvent is first order with respect to (CH3)3CBr and zero order with respect to OH. In several experiments, the rate constant k was determined at different temperatures. A plot of In(k) versus 1/T was constructed resulting in a straight line with a slope value of -1.10 × 104 K and y-intercept of 33.5. Assume k has units of s¹. a. Determine the activation energy for this reaction. b. Determine the value of the frequency factor A. c. Calculate the value of k at 25°C.

Question 10. The rate of the reaction NO₂(g) + CO(g)---->NO(g) + CO₂(g) depends only on the concentration of nitrogen dioxide below 225°C. At a temperature below 225°C, the following data were collected:

2) Carbon-14 (¹4C) has a half-life of 5730 years and is concentrated in plants by photosynthesis. If an archeological wood sample only has 72% of the carbon-14 found in living trees, how old is it?

Consider the hypothetical reaction A+B+2C→2D+3E where the rate law is A[A] Rate = = k[A][B]2 △t An experiment is carried out where [A]o =1.0 X 10-2M, [B]o 3.0 M,and [C]o 2.0 M.The reaction is started,and after 8.0 seconds,the concentration of A is 3.8 X 10-3 M. a.Calculate k for this reaction. b.Calculate the half-life for this experiment. c.Calculate the concentration of A after 13.0 seconds. d.Calculate the concentration of C after 13.0 seconds.

1) Strontium-90 (⁹0Sr) is produced by nuclear explosions and reactor accidents (Chernobyl, Fukushima) and can replace calcium in bones, where it stays. Its radioactive decay has a half-life of 28.1 years and causes bone cancer. If 1 ug is absorbed by a newly born baby. how much will remain in their body after 18 years and after 70 years?

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