Real Analysis

Questions & Answers

1. Explain why the Comparison Test can or cannot be used to decide if the series converges or diverges.

A 2 Show (e.g. by induction, but there is another way) that for q € R, q # 1

Sketch the rectangles for the specified Riemann Sums to estimate the area under the curve of f on the interval [2, 8].

5. Prove or disprove the following statement. If the statement is true, derive a proof and if false, state a suitable justification or counter-example.

2. For the functions f and g defined by, f(x) = cosh (3x), g(x) = log(x) find the composite functions fog and go f stating clearly the intended domain and range.

4. Determine whether the following series converge or diverge. In the case of convergence, find the limit.

Determine inf{a,: n N), sup{a,: n N}, lim,Oinfa, and limn 00 supan:

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