Structural Geology

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4. Four additional compression tests are performed on the sandstone at successively higher confining pressures (Table 2). In each case, the rock sample failed when the differential pressure reached a value > 420 MPa. Examination of the core samples showed that failure occurred by ductile shear along a small shear zone oriented at a consistent angle to 0₁. Using the data in Table 2, draw a second set of Mohr circles for these experimental runs. Next, draw a failure envelope tangent to the four Mohr circles and draw a Mohr radius for each circle using the point of tangency. Estimate the angle a of the shear zones relative to 0₁. What is the significance of the intersection between the Coulomb and ductile failure envelopes?

The sandstone cliff at a coastal location (top part of Figure 4) is well known for its instability and cliff erosion. What type of mass movement may be expected here?Give reasons for your answer.(6 marks)

The geological map in Figure 6 shows an outcrop pattern of five strata on a flatlandscape. a) Sketch a cross section from A to B. Indicate with question marks where thee xtent of a layer is not known. Use the box below the map for your sketch, take a photo and insert it into the answer document of the exam. If you have no printer, use a 10 cm x 4 cm rectangle.(8 marks) b) List the sequence of rock types found in boreholes at points X and Y from the ground surface until no further information can be deducted from the map.

We looked at five geologic units (formations) that may be found in the Chico area. These units represent all three rock types (Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic).

In our field trips, we looked at and describe two diffferent sedimentary depositional environments within the Tuscan Formation. Name both environments.

Igneous plutons (intrusions) tend to look like___on geologic maps. paing spatters O blobs O bands

Volcanic lava flows and deposits generally look like____on geologic maps. blobs O paint spatters bands

In the virtual field trip "The mystery of Black Canyon", the mystery centers around an unconformity. Explain two lines of evidence that support the existence of the unconformity. For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).2 noint

the three different situations.Assuming that the rocks in each picture have similar mechanical properties at 20°C and atmospheric pressure, what can you say about the temperature and pressure during deformation?(10 marks)

A seismic refraction study made for an area pro-vides the following field data: (a) Graph the travel-time data and determine the seismic velocity for the surface layer andthe underlying layer. ) Determine the thickness of the upper layer. O Using the seismic velocity information, give the probable earth materials in the two layers.

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