Web Designing And Development

Questions & Answers

Question Five Write the HTML and the JavaScript code that validates a numeric input. The number entered by the user should be between 1 and 10. When the user enters an invalid value, the background of the input will be red and the sentence "The number should be between 1 and 10" will be displayed in red just after the form. Number: 66 register The number should be between 1 and 10

Task 1 Create a program that introduces a natural number N and gives all three-digit numbers, the sum of the digits of which is equal to N

7. You are helping your friend troubleshoot a problem with his Linux server. You enter a common Linux command and discover it doesn't work exactly as you expected. What might be the problem and what do you do next?

Describe the strategies you would use to make sure this site was ranked as highly as possible by search engines.

How often does Time Machine create new backups, and how long are these backups kept?

Chapter 2: Summary Hands-On Practice Case Study Task 1: The Website Folder. Create a folder on your hard drive or portable storage device (thumb drive or SD card) called "yoga" to contain your Path of Light Yoga Studio web page files. Task 2: The Home Page. You will use a text editor to create the Home page for the Path of Light Yoga Studio website. The Home page is shown in Figure 2.46. Task 3: The Classes Page. Create the Classes page shown in Figure 2.47. A technique that improves productivity is to create new pages based on existing pages so that you can benefit from your previous work. Your new Classes page will use the index.html page as a starting point. Open the index.html page for the Path of Light Yoga Studio website in a text editor. Select File > Save As, and save the file with the new name of classes.html in the yoga folder. Now you are ready to edit the page. 1. Web Page Title. Modify the page title. Change the text contained between the <title> and </title> tags to the following: Path of Light Yoga Studio :: Classes 2. Wireframe Main Content. a. Delete the Home Page content paragraphs, unordered list, and contact information. b. Configure the following text in the heading 2 element: Yoga Classes

What is the Linux vi editor command to save your changes and exit the editor?

What is the full path to the home directory of the user account lucio in Linux?

12. You have set up an FTP server in Ubuntu Server. Jason, a user, calls to say he gets an error when trying to put a file in his /home/jason/files directory. You look at the directory structure and see that you forgot to give the user ownership of the directory. Which command can fix the problem?

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