
Submission All submissions must be made electronically on Canvas, accompanied by a cover sheet. The submission must be using 1 or 1.5 spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Work that

fails to meet these specifications will not be accepted. Students should ensure that the report is free from problems like copying and plagiarism. The report and excel spreadsheet will be submitted through "Canvas-Assignments-Assessment 3". You can submit multiple times before the due date. The report should be no longer than 2500 words (-/+ 15%), excluding references and appendix. The student can have up to 2-page appendix. Citation and reference should be provided where necessary. The Excel file contains your workings to support the reported analysis. Students are required to keep back-ups of all submitted work just in case any are lost. The tutor of your enrolled session will mark your assessment. Note: • The report will include VaR calculations which will require you to use Excel. Therefore, though the result of calculations should be discussed in the report, you should submit a separate Excel file to Canvas to show your detailed calculations. Meanwhile, you also need to include one or two tables to summarize the key results of your calculations. • This instruction includes suggestions on items to include in the report, more information for parts you think are important may be included as you feel necessary, keeping in mind the word limit. • The teaching team is not supposed to comment on your calculation workings or identify your calculation mistakes. The teaching team will provide guidance to make sure that you are on the right track. However, it is still your responsibility to investigate your work and identify the errors.

Fig: 1