
Submit your answer in a Word document via Blackboard. Question #1 (10 points): A research group conducted a study on factors influencing 5-year survival in breast cancer patients. They were particularly

interested in patient's age and the number of positive lymph nodes removed during surgery. The following figure shows the data from 8 patients who survived after 5 years (the survivor group, green dots) and data from 9 patients who died within 5 years (the deceased group, red blocks). Please draw the decision boundary using the nearest neighbor method (k-1) based on Euclidean distance. Instructions: Identify pairs of closest data points from the survivor group and the deceased group. Draw a perpendicular bisector for each pair. Connect these bisectors into a continuous decision boundary. No of Positive Lymph Nodes 42 10 14 12 8 O + 2 IN 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Age

Fig: 1