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Task 2, part A Students analyze the tourists' demand of the selected country (outbound travel from

the selected country, seen as a source market); the research is not limited to economic factors but

must include some economic dimension.

Task 2, part B A table presenting the country's trade balance of international travel (inbound

expenditures (=receipts) minus outbound expenditures) must be created and included in this section;

its trend must be related to the economic situation of the country and discussed. This task is limited to

international tourism and does not consider domestic travel. Minimum 3 years must be presented in

the table. Even though different sources provide data of international tourism receipts and

expenditures, students are required to use the official database of the UNWTO compendium, made

available for this purpose. As 2020 was an exceptional year because of Covid, the groups can choose

whether to include 2020 in their analysis or to limit the analysis to 2019 as the most recent date.