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Task 2- Wind turbine simulation [50 marks]Build a simulation of a wind turbine in Simulink. Include graphical results to prove it works correctly.As a starting point, you may use the

simplified model for pitch and yaw motors of a wind turbinefrom ME643 labs. In this Coursework, you can use this transfer function to simulate the motors. Youwill however need to justify any assumptions made with this model and identify its shortcomings. include a variable biade's angle of attack (pitch), variable wind turbine orientation (yaw),variable external load (wind speed and wind direction); add a PID control system to the wind turbine model to achieve "optimised" blade's angle of attack and wind turbine orientation relative to wind direction. Condition 1 Fixed wind speed, fixed wind direction. Create a graph showing how your wind turbine"optimise" blade's angle of attack and wind turbine orientation for given fixed wind speed and wind direction. Initial blade's angle of attack and wind turbine orientation must be different from optimal orientation. Condition 2 Fixed wind speed, changing wind direction. Create a graph showing how your wind turbine "optimises" wind turbine orientation direction for given fixed wind speed and changing wind direction (choose reasonable changes, e.g. described by a sinusoidalfunction or a step function). Condition 3 Variable wind speed, fixed wind direction. Create a graph showing how your wind turbine "optimises" wind turbine orientation for given fixed wind direction and changing wind speed (choose reasonable changes, e.g. described by a sinusoidal function or a step function). Justification: Part of an engineer's job is to assess the required characteristics for an engineering system. Writing a model to simulate a system is only of use if the desired operating parameters and required system is known. You will need to justify what response you are looking for in your simulation and why. This will inform your choice of tuning parameters. This should be conveyed to the reader of your report in a separate section. Diagrams in an appendices can be used to substantiate your discussion.Summarise your implementations and results in the report.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

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