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The following are the format requirements for this paper: •

must be about 6 pages..

Topic: Educational inequality (push out of school; access to higher education; school funding and

resources; book bans; student loans and cost of college; admission policies, legacy policies, and

affirmative action; etc.)

find FIVE peer-reviewed sources.

Describe, explain, and analyze the selected social inequality.

Convince me why the topic is important and should be examined

Use a hook like a short excerpt from a story, image, or an interesting statistic.

Discuss the origins and/or causes of the inequality

I put "and/or" because both can be examined, but at least the causes should be explained

Include an explanation of the impact of intersecting inequalities.

Persuasively, describe the consequences.

Explain the negative impact of these consequences on society (overall impact) and on a diverse group(s).

In explaining the topic, its causes, and consequences, focus on the impact on a diverse group.

Analyze and connect your topic and peer-reviewed sources to the course material (concepts, theories,

readings, and lectures)

Must be typed and double-spaced paper with 1-inch margins.

10-12 Font format, using Times News Roman or Arial.

Include single-spaced on the upper left-hand side of the paper:

Your Name

SOC 172

Inequality Overview

Fig: 1