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The outermost covering of the spinal cord is the

Select one or more:

a. pia mater

b. arachnoid mater.

c. dura mater.

d. film terminale.

All of the following are functions of cerebral spinal fluid, except that it

Select one or more:

a. transports nutrients.

b. surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

c. transports immune system cells

d. acts as a cushion for the brain.

The - of each spinal nerve provides sensory and motor connections to the skin and

muscles of the back.

a. gray ramus communicantes

b. ventral ramus

c. white ramus communicantes

d. dorsal ramus

The ventral rami form four major plexuses including all of the following, except

the _____plexus

Select one or more

a. Cranial

b. Lumbar

c. Sacral

d. brachial

5. The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains

Select one or more:

a. cell bodies of motor neurons.

D b. axons of sensory neurons.

c. axons of motor neurons.

d. cell bodies of sensory neurons.

6. The anterior horns of the spinal cord contain

Select one or more:

a. sympathetic nuclei.

b. sensory nuclei.

c. autonomic motor nuclei.

d. somatic motor nuclei.

7. Spinal nerves from the sacral region of the spinal cord innervate the

Select one or more:

a. shoulder

b. intercostal

c. leg

d. facial

The dorsal and ventral roots of each spinal segment unite to form a

a. cervical enlargement

d. Spinal meninx

c. spinal ganglion

d. spinal nerve

Each spinal nerve provides___connections to specific structures.

a. Tactile

b. Sensory

c. motor AND sensory

d. sensory AND tactile

e. motor

10. Axons crossing from one side of the spinal cord to the other within the gray matter

are found in the

Select one or more.

a. gray commissures

b. lateral gray horns

c. white commissures.

d. anterior grey horn

16. Reflexes can be classified according to all of the following, except

Select one or more:

a. the complexity of the neural circuit involved:

b. their development:

c. whether they are sensory or motor.

d. the site where information processing oeeurs.

17. The stretch reflex

Select one or more:

a. involves a receptor called the neuroreceptor.

b. is an example of a polysynaptic reflex

c is important in posture & protecting muscles

d. is activated when a skeletal muscle shortens

13. Bill contracts a viral disease that destroys some of the cells in the anterior gray horns

in the lumbar region of his spinal cord. As a result of the disease, which of the following

would you expect?

Select one or more:

a. an inability to move his arm

b. lack of feeling in his hands

c. problems with walking

d. lack of sensation from his right leg

14. The ventral rami of spinal nerves C5 to T1 form the_______ plexus before heading down

the upper limbs

a. Sacral

b. cervical

c. thoracic

d. Brachial

15. Certain complex reflexes involve responses on both sides of the body. The response

on the opposite side of body receiving the stimulus the _ response

A. contralateral

B. consensual

C .ipsilateral

d .paired

11. If the dorsal root of a spinal nerve is severed,

Select one or more:

a. motor control of visceral organs would be impaired.

b. incoming sensory information would be disrupted.

c. motor control of skeletal muscles would be impaired.

d. the brain would not be able to communicate with that level of the spinal cord.

12. Enlargements of the spinal cord occur

a. in segments of the spinal cord that control the limbs.

b. near the posterior median sulcus.

c in the thoracic region or the spinal cord the filum terminale

18. In which of the following would the delay between stimulus and response be


0 a. Intersegmental reflex (ashie)

B b. a multisynaptic reflex (nala)

c. a monosynaptic reflex

d. Stretch Reflex

The simplest reflexes triggered by receptors in the leg would be dealt with at the level of


Select one or more:

a. cerebrum.

B. diencephalon

c. cerebellum

d. spinal cord

Put The following parts of a reflex arc into their proper order:

Motor Neuron

Sensory Neuron


