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Suppose you go to a 3 hour and 20 minute play on Broadway that your parents have given you tickets they received for free as part of some advertising promotion,

and they can not attend the play on the night the tickets are for, but thought you and your spouse might enjoy it. The first three hours are somewhat okay, but not all that great, with some of it pretty boring,and the last intermission is about twenty minutes before the end of the show.The last twenty minutes may tie it up real well and make it worthwhile having gone to or it may not. I won't tell you which way that works out, but the overall experience was not anything to rave about, though it was also not the worst night of your life. On your way out of the theater, the management selects you to give two free tickets to give to friends. 1) Should you accept the tickets and give them to your friends? If you do,you are not allowed to tell them anything about the play or your experienceand feelings about it. You either give them the tickets or you do not. If yougive them the tickets, they will go (because they will take it as arecommendation and because they won't want to spurn your offer or offendyour apparent generosity). Basically you are controlling whether they go ornot, so you have to decide for them by deciding whether to give them thetickets or not. The idea is that this is just like conceiving a child, where whatyou do doesn't give the child any real choice in the matter and you don't getto consult with it, to see what it wants, and it can't research to see whether itwants to be born or not. (And remember, we are talking here only aboutconception -- which is about fertilizing the egg and creating a pregnancy inthe first place, not about abortion. If you conceive the child, you will carry itthrough to birth. This is not an abortion question. So you have to decidewhether to conceive and therefore bring a child into this world or not, and inthe same way you have to decide whether to send your friends to this play ornot. Giving them the tickets is analogous to conceiving the child.) The play is not about a subject they are known to be any more or less particularly interested in then you are, so you have no reason for thinking they will enjoy the play any more than you did. They may or may not, but the odds are they won't like it any more than you did. So, would you accept the tickets to give to your friends or not? Why or why not?

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