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The report should:

1. Provide a brief overview of your chosen organization.

The aim of this overview should be to provide the key contextual information for the rest of the

report. For the remaining sections of the report, assume that you have been freshly hired by

the organization of your choice, and the CEO has asked you to address the following:

2. Describe the main expected technological developments in your chosen industry in the next five

to ten years.

The industries/fields described above are very broad, and you might benefit from narrowing your

analysis. For instance, you could look at retail in UK, or focus your analysis on healthcare for

chronic conditions.

Most of this section should focus on one or two technological developments providing an in-depth

discussion of the impact in your industry/area (for instance, retail in UK or healthcare for chronic

conditions). Technologies that you might want to focus on include, but are not limited to:

Digital technologies

o Al

o Blockchain

o Internet of things

o SG

o Virtual reality

Biotechnologies (e.g., CRISPR)

Materials technologies (e.g., self-healing materials; graphene)

You are encouraged to discuss the scope of your report with your tutor.

3. Assess how the developments you describe, and in particular, those you focus on, are likely to

impact competition in the industry and the competitive position of your chosen company. Are

these technological development going to favour established companies or new entrants? In

what ways and under what circumstances?

4. What are the most likely sources of innovation for the industry? Based on this and on the current

capabilities of your company, present recommendations for your company on the best opne

innovation strategy in terms of:

a. What activities related to technological innovation should be conducted in-house, and

what through collaboration?

b. Which forms of collaboration are most suitable?

c. (if applicable) Do your organization's current activities follow this pattern?

5. Based on your analysis so far, make a recommendation to your company for one innovative

technology-based product or service. For this product/service, address one of the following

questions, choosing the one that you feel is most relevant for your industry/field and company

a. What are the main risks and opportunities associated with the innovation ecosystem of

this particular product?

b. What is the stage of development of the technologies you are interested in? Are the issues

surrounding dominant design relevant to your innovation?