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This is an ALL or NOTHING opportunity for adding a fractional score to your final grade in the class. Watch the commercial video on the Bruce Mansfield plant – this

is the largest coal fired power plant in North America. In Time 12 pt. FONT, provide no more than two (typed)professional grade paragraphs (below) according to the following instructions: Residuals are associated with coal burning power plants and can subsequently be released to the environment causing serious pollution. Pick ONE of the residuals you learned about in this video. In one paragraph, tersely describe the residual, its chemical nature and the associated environmental damage it can cause (you will have to do a little research on it). The second paragraph should provide specific information on the fate of this residual. Generally describe the technology that the power plant implemented to minimize the release of the residual you described above, into the environment. The paragraphs must include a compelling topic sentence, written to university-level English standards for spelling and grammar and be understandable by a non-specialist. Upload this document as .pdf file to the canvas site on or before midnight on Dec 13th (last day of finals).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4