
The second part(60 marks) - Optional questions (read each question carefully): answer any3 (three) complete questions of questions2 to 6 (each question carries a total of 20 marks) the question2Litigation,

Arbitration and Mediation: Explain and compare each of these processes with each other. Additionally, describe any3 and (three) other alternative dispute resolution processes that the parties to the dispute may resort to. Furthermore, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid procedure such as mediation-arbitration or arbitration-mediation? the question3What are the factors that the arbitral tribunal will consider - and their implications - when considering the following requests during the arbitration procedure: (a)Adding/joining a party to arbitration - explain in detail. (b)Arbitration bifurcation. The answer is expanded the question5Institutional Arbitration: the question4In international arbitration, why is there a generally accepted concept that an arbitrator must be independent and impartial at all times (ie not only during the arbitral proceedings themselves)? please clarify... (20 marks) (20 marks) (a)What are the main changes in the generic version 2021 of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration Rules compared to the 2017 version? (8 marks) the question6Arbitration and Separability Agreements: (10 marks) (b)What are the major changes in the generic formula2021 AIAC Arbitration Rules? (10 marks) (c)other than the List two arbitration centers that have updated their arbitration rules, since 2021, AIAC and ICC (4 marks) (c)(c) What is the difference between a witness to the facts and an expert witness? (2 mark) (a)Explain the principle of the independence of the arbitration clause. and the principle of jurisdiction in addition, explain how these principles are incorporated into.............. Finally, what are the practical consequences of arbitration according to the above?. (UAR) and in the UML(10 marks) ****** the end ****** (8 marks) (b)With respect to the jurisprudence arising from the decision of the Court of Appeal of Singapore in the case ofInsigma Technology Co. Ltd. v/s. [2009] SGCA 24 the page3 out of 3 In the case of appointing an arbitral tribunal, do the parties have to adopt the procedural rules of the arbitration center or are they free to choose any rules they deem appropriate? Alstom Technology Ltd.: . (8 mark)/n Instructions To answer (questions in the form of a test) Need British accreditation in commercial arbitration It does not mean that you give short answers to the extent of the question, but rather it begins with defining the arbitration agreement in the model law, in the Saudi system and in any judicial precedent, for example, and then talks about the seat of arbitration and the difference between it and the place of arbitration, and the effect of determining the seat of arbitration is based on determining the court that An action for annulment is brought before her. And so on (explain a full explanation that is not boring, and do not make a wasteful economy)

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Fig: 2