3 paragraphs (300 - 400 words) APA citations, and references if used.
This is from student instructor:
4-1 Discussion, In your initial post, address the following:
Discuss the importance of OS and hardware compatibility and the impact of
Explain how troubleshooting hardware differs from troubleshooting software./nIn this module, you learned about the troubleshooting process.
Sometimes IT professionals have to ensure that the hardware used for a
system is compatible with the OS and that there is no nonconformance.
Nonconformance means you are not meeting the minimum
requirements for the OS and compatible hardware that is either within
the PC or attached to it. Some older hardware is not always compatible
with the newer versions of operating systems. For example, an older
adapter from an older MacBook does not plug into newer hardware. In
this discussion, you and your peers will discuss the importance of
hardware and OS compatibilities.
In your initial post, address the following:
• Discuss the importance of OS and hardware compatibility and the
impact of nonconformance.
Explain how troubleshooting hardware differs from
troubleshooting software.
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