Use Tinkercad to replicate Arduino Uno experiment on electrical resistance to temperature
relationship of copper wire, determine linear regression on excel
Very detailed step by step in article including codes and library
Student also want video of Thinkercad steps with narration to perform in real
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Replicate Arduino Experiment in Tinkercad based on
no-based Physics Experiment_to_Study_Temperature_Dependence_of_Electrical_Resistance
Replicate Sarı, U. & Kırındı, T. (2019). Using arduino in physics teaching: arduino-based physics
experiment to study temperature dependence of electrical resistance. Journal of Computer and
Education Research, 7 (14), 698-710. DOI: 10.18009/jcer.579362.
Detail step by step instructions with codes and libraries are in the article.
Arduino Uno
Electrical resistance to temperature relationship of copper wire
Examine the variation of the resistance of a copper wire with temperature
Conceptual Model
There is a linear relationship between current and potential difference for many metals
Fig: 1