
Two people (one 80 kg, the other 50 kg) are standing on a 10 kg log which is 6 meter long andwhose center of mass is at the middle. The

80 kg person is at one end. The log is balanced bya rock located at 1 meter from the 80 kg person.JWhot io th A. What is the torque created by the 80 kg person with respect to the balance point? B. What is the torque created by the normal acting on the balance point?C What is the torque created by the log with respect to the balance po int? C. What is the torque created by the log with respect to the balance point?D. How far in meters from the balance point should the 50 kg person stand, to have the log in D. How far in meters from the balance point should the 50 kg person stand, to have the log in static equilibrium?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5