Typically, we want to know if a population will move towards or away
from a steady state. In other words, we want to know is a steady
state is stable or unstable.
Linear stability analysis allows us to determine what happens close
to a steady state.
Idea: over a sufficiently small scale, nonlinear equations are
approximately linear. We can therefore use a Taylor expansion to
linearise a system around a steady state and see what happens if we
give the system a little nudge. Does the population return to the
steady state or does it move away?
ability of steady states
Let nt = Nt - N* be a small perturbation from a steady state. We
want to know if this perturbation grows or decays over time. The
dynamics of the perturbation are given by:
nt+1 = Nt+1 - N*/nHence, if we can neglect higher order terms, we may summarise the
behaviour of nt, and hence the stability of the steady state, as
X = f(N*)
x < -1
-10 < x < 1
perturbation dynamics
oscillatory growth
oscillatory decay
monotonic decay
monotonic growth
oscillatory unstable
oscillatory stable
monotonic stable
monotonic unstable
¹It can be shown that we can indeed neglect higher order terms as long as we are not
on the borderline between different behaviours, where the behaviour that changes
may be affected by these terms. For example, if f'(N+) = 0 the steady state N* is
stable for the nonlinear equation, but may be oscillatory or monotonic depending on
the nonlinearity.
Stability of steady states
Q: What is the stability of each of the steady states (N* = 0 and
N* = K) in the logistic growth model, assuming r> 0?
Nt+1= Nt (1+r
1 (1 + r ( 1₁ - ^/^ ) )/nstable iff (N*)| < 1, unstable if |f' (N*)| > 1
oscillatory if f'(N*) < 0, monotonic if f' (N*) > 0
Q: How does the intrinsic growth rate affect the population dynamics?