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Research Paper

Cyberattack Case Study

August 30, 2023

1 Cyberattack Case Study

In this assignment you'll write a short analysis of a significant cyberattack that:

• Occurred in the last 5 years

• Impacted more than one million accounts or had significant national or financial impact

• Exposed personally identifiable information (PII) or caused significant military,

infrastructure, political, or financial consequences/impact

1.1 Important report criteria

Make sure your paper addresses the following items about the cyberattack that you've selected.

• The history of its development


- Is this attack the first from the attack's creator?

- Were previous attacks successful?

- Was the attack sponsored by government entity, or a suspected government entity?

. The purpose of the attack

• Its intended usage domain, and the general characteristics of the attack's penetration


Research Paper/nDomains could include a specific industry, application, web platform, or piece of

infrastructure. (For example, consider internet access, wireless communications, or

cloud providers as infrastructure.)

• One distinctive feature or trait that set it apart from other attacks, either historically or


• Whether it or any of its descendants remain in use, and why do those descendants still


1.1.1 Document requirements

Make sure the report is formatted as follows

• 12 point font

. 1 inch margins

• Line spacing set to 1.5

• minimum 3 pages of text

- More pages are allowed to provide for images

- There is still the three pages of text minimum

You need two references, one of which may be an online reference to the cyberattack and the

other of which should be a manual, textbook, or contemporary article describing it.

This is not a formal research paper but you must cite any source you use using the UCF APA

Guidelines and Tools, and you must write all material in your own terms, not merely copy and


1.1.2 Suggested Outline

Please make sure that your paper addresses all the items in the Report Criteria. It will help you

to organize your paper based on the outline suggested below.

1. Introduction

2. History of development

• Was the sponsor or creator a government agency or affiliate?

• What was the motivation? (Money, strategic, infrastructure, etc.) Be specific.

3. History of attack with discussion of the attack's impact on the chosen target(s)

4. General characteristics


Research Paper/n5. Usage domain(s) or target group(s)

6. Active descendants

7. What actions were taken to prevent similar attacks

8. What punitive actions were executed against the attacker(s)

Be sure to include at least one possible solution that would prevent this type of attack or similar


1.2 APA Citation Resources

• Book Citation


Print version:

General Form:

Last, F.M. (Date). Book tile (edition, if other than flest). Publisher


Parker, R. M., Jr. (2003). Bordeaser: A consumer's guide to the world's finest wines (4th rev. ed.).

Simon & Schuster.

O'Halloran, R. M. Jarvis, K., & Allen-Chabot, A. (Eds.). (2006). Cases in hospitality and tourism

management. Pearson Prentice Hall

• Magazine or Journal Citation


Print version:

• General Form:

Last, F. M. (Date). Article title. Journal Title, volume(umber), pages.


Monteson, P. A., & Singer, J. (2004). Marketing a resort-based spa. Journal of Vacation

Marketing, 10(2) 282-288.

• Full UCF APA Citation Guidance

Rosen APA Guidelines


Research Paper/n1.3 Submission Instructions

Submit your assignment to WebCourses as a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or PDF file.

1.4 Grading

The assignment shall be submitted via WebCourses. There should only be one file in the

submission. That file should be a PDF a WORD document, or an OpenOffice document.

Make sure that the page number is in the upper right corner.


Research Paper

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