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UCLAN FIRE Details University of Central Lancashire School of Engineering FV3103 Assignment 2023-2024 Assignment 2 (this contributes 80% to your overall module mark) This is the major assessment of the

module and it will allow students to demonstrate learning across all four module learning outcomes. During the module you will learn about different methods for assessing and managing risks in different contexts, with a particular emphasis on fire risks. The aim of the module, and this assignment, is to help you start to become confident and capable when carrying out fire risk assessments and utilising risk information from a variety of sources. The scenario you are faced with is a High Rise Residential Building (HRRB) that is undergoing remedial work to replace external cladding, cavity barriers between floor levels and internal fire compartmentation relating to services passing vertically and horizontally through the building. In order to complete this assignment successfully you will need to build a portfolio that has the following components: 1. A fully completed the generic fire risk assessment on the High Rise Residential Building (HRRB) Using the template provided and using the principles of PAS79 2020 and CDM Regulations. You are to assess the risks assuming that the HRRB occupants are still in residence. Therefore, you will demonstrate your knowledge and application of the fire risks on construction sites alongside a property that is occupied. 1 2. An informative briefing for members of the Delivery Team who will be managing the designated remedial work and refurbishment of the High Rise Residential Building (HRRB). The briefing should include an evaluation of the fire risks associated with HRRB's generally and during refurbishment activities specifically. You can include reference to known incidents involving the loss or significant loss at other large buildings in the UK that have been undergoing renovation work. 3. One of the essential components of the Plan, Do, Check, Act management system is “Communicating". Produce a communications plan to demonstrate how the Delivery Team will communicate about the fire risks you identified in the Generic Fire Risk Assessment. The communications plan should facilitate effective communication with all stakeholders in the renewal and refurbishment scheme. 4. The Delivery Team for the renewal of the HRRB will need to put in place a fire risk management system (to manage the fire risks during the time the HRRB is a construction site). Produce a list of FIFTEEN questions that could be used by a fire risk auditor who wishes to scrutinise the following components of their fire risk management system: 1. Leadership of the refurbishment project (PLANNING) 2. Competence of contractors (DOING) 3. Measuring fire safety (CHECKING) Marks will be allocated to the following sections of your portfolio: 3 section 1 Completed generic risk assessment on the provided proforma for fire risks in HRRB during refurbishment, including evaluation of fire risks, standard controls and assurance. 2 Briefing on the fire risks generally in High Rise Residential Buildings, and specifically during their refurbishment, including known fire incidents. Communication plan as part of the effective management system for fire risks during refurbishment 4 Production of 15 question list for use when carrying out audit marks 40 2 30 15 15 You must demonstrate that you have met the assessment and module learning outcomes. Therefore, as you construct and present your work, consider the assessment criteria. Learning outcomes This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module descriptor, specifically: 1. Employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods for application to risk assessment. 2. Critically evaluate a risk assessment. 3. Perform the optimum allocation of resources in a risk management plan informed by risk assessment. 4. Assess relevant documents and communicate the essential and important point. It is your responsibility to ensure that the content of your work is neatly and accurately presented. Original work (i.e. your own tables/diagrams and words) will attract higher marks than materials derived or simply copied from the internet. Marks may be deducted for failure to ow these instructions. Please look at the Student Guide to Assessment for more information. Referencing All academic writing must be referenced. Plagiarism The use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged. Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources, and other students) constitutes plagiarism, which is an offence within the University's regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using properly referenced quotations. You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a selective and critical way, not simply changing words or substituting them with words that mean similar things. 3 Your portfolio must be correctly and appropriately referenced and presented in clearly identifiable sections. Also include a short introduction to show what you will do in the portfolio and include a brief conclusion, based on the contents of your portfolio. The deadline for submission of your portfolio 4 5