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UNIT 9: PRIORITY QUEUES PROJECT Learning Target: I can justify the use of and implement a priority queue in support of solving a program's larger goals. GUIDELINES Event Scheduler Create an event scheduler program that manages a list of upcoming events. Each event has a name, date, and location. The program should use a min-heap or max-heap to schedule and manage the events based on their date. The soonest events have the highest priority, however it is up to you how you handle that. Menu Features: Add new events to the scheduler with a name, date, and location. Attend (remove) the highest priority event from the scheduler. A simple system out print of the attended message will be fine as output. • Display the upcoming events in order. Implement a method to check for conflicting events (events that have the same date). Allow users to update event details such as the date, name, or location. You must include at least 5 events in your heap. This can be done in your driver class before execution of the program. TASK DESCRIPTION GRADE SCALE 1 Project was submitted by the due date with code and video. 2 Heap class was coded and implemented. 3 Event class was created and inputted into the heap. 4 Add New Event method implemented. 5 Attend (remove) the highest priority event method implemented. 6 Display the upcoming events in the priority date order method implemented. 7 Implement a method to check for conflicting events. 8 Allow users to update the event details method implemented. TOTAL SCORE: / 8 *** *** WORK SUBMISSION **************************** 1. Provide a brief video of your program console running showing each menu option being executed. 2. Provide a link to all your code, or copy and paste all your code here below. If copying and pasting code, label each separate class / file.