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Using a tolerance of Tol. = 10^-6, providing evidence of your approach in a

spreadsheet or word document, investigate the following meshes:

nx = 10, ny = 10

nx = 20, ny = 20

nx = 40, ny = 40

nx = 80, ny = 80

nx = 160, ny = 160

For both the Point-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel approaches, highlight the amount of time

and number of iterations it takes to achieve convergence. What trend is observed

with the increasing number of cells? Can a relationship between cells and iterations

to convergence be observed from the data?

Furthermore, using a tolerance of Tol. = 10^-6, providing evidence of your approach

in a spreadsheet or word document, investigate the following meshes:

nx = 8, ny = 10

nx = 10, ny = 80

nx = 16, ny = 50

nx = 20, ny = 40

nx = 25, ny = 32

For both the Point-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel approaches, highlight the amount of time

and number of iterations it takes to achieve convergence for each mesh. What is

being varied for each mesh? What conclusions can be drawn?