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Using what we know of the behavior of capacitors and inductors, we may analyze initial values as well as final values of voltage and current. (i.e. v(0^), v(0*), and v(∞)).

The source in the given circuit below (Figure 3) switches from 3V to 2V at t=0. Find the theoretical values of all the voltages: vc1(0~), vc1(0*), vcı(0), Vr1(0~), Vr1(0*).Vr1(0), and vR2(0~), Vr2(0*), vR2(∞). Construct the circuit on your breadboard. You may set-up the voltage source using a square wave as before with a low enough frequencey such that you may observe the steady-state response. Set a 1V p-p wave with an appropriate DC offset to achieve the correct input waveform. Use the following values for components: R1 = R2 = 2.2kN,L = L2 = 150mH, and C, = 1µF.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3