For this assignment:
Use the Data Analysis and Application template (DAA Template [DOCX]).
For help with statistical software, refer to the JASP Step-by-Step: Correlations
[PDF] document.
View JASP Speedrun: Correlations [Video] Links to an external site. for a brief
tutorial video on this assignment.
View Deeper Dive Correlation [Video] Links to an external site. for a longer
video on how to interpret the statistical software output.
• Refer to the 7864 Course Study Guide [PDF] for information on analyses and
For information on the data set, refer to the 7864 Data Set Instructions
[PDF] document.
The grades.jasp file is a sample data set. The data represent a teacher's recording of
student demographics and performance on quizzes and a final exam across three
sections of the course. This data file is used in all four papers (Week 2, Week 4, Week 6,
and Week 8).
This week's assignment is on correlations. You will analyze the following variables in
the grades.jasp data set:
Fig: 1