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A. What is the full name of the body that dates the business cycles (that is establishes the dates of the peak and trough of the business cycles)? Chapter 10.

5 points What are the dates of the recessions in the U.S. since 1971? In other words, what is the peak(month and year), trough (month and year), and duration in months of each of the recessions?Please write the dates of the 7 recessions referring to the recession names below. I have done the Great Depression for you. According to the NBER, when did the Corona Virus recession start?15 points. What are the dates of the recessions in the U.S. since 1971? In other words, what is the peak(month and year), trough (month and year), and duration in months of each of the recessions?Please write the dates of the 7 recessions referring to the recession names below. I have done the Great Depression for you. According to the NBER, when did the Corona Virus recession start?15 points.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3