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Write a Java procedural program that helps with a bird survey as detailed below. Explain in your own words how each method of your program works. This should be in

addition to brief comments before each method stating what that method does. The survey is about birds that are members of the crow family (Crow, Jackdaw, Raven and Rock) and raptors (Kestrel, Kite and Buzzard). The program should ask far the user to name birds seen and determine if they are raptors or members of the crow family. If they are it should ask how many of that bird were seen together at the same time. The person continues inputting birds sighted until they have made 50 entries. The program should then say what (from the 50 sightings) was the largest number of members of the crow family or of raptors seen together. See below for an example run of the program.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2