A (PANDAS: SERIES) Perform the following tasks with pandas Series:
a. Create a Series from the list [7, 11, 13, 17].
b. Create a Series with five elements that are all 100.0.
c. Create a Series with 20 elements that are all random numbers in the
range 0 to 100. Use method describe to produce the Series' basic descriptive
d. Create a Series called temperatures of the floating-point
values 98.6, 98.9, 100.2 and 97.9. Using the index keyword argument, specify
the custom indices 'Julie', 'Charlie', 'Sam' and 'Andrea'.
e. Form a dictionary from the names and values in Part (d), then use it to initialize
a Series.
B (PANDAS: DATAFRAMES) Perform the following tasks with pandas DataFrames:
f. Create a DataFrame named temperatures from a dictionary of three temperature
readings each for 'Maxine', 'James' and 'Amanda'.
g. Recreate the DataFrame temperatures in Part (a) with custom indices using
the index keyword argument and a list
containing 'Morning', 'Afternoon' and 'Evening'.
h. Select from temperatures the column of temperature readings for 'Maxine'.
i. Select from temperatures the row of 'Morning' temperature readings.
j. Select from temperatures the rows for 'Morning' and 'Evening' temperature
k. Select from temperatures the columns of temperature readings
for 'Amanda' and 'Maxine'.
1. Select from temperatures the elements for 'Amanda' and 'Maxine' in
the 'Morning' and 'Afternoon'.
m. Use the describe method to produce temperatures descriptive statistics.
n. Transpose temperatures.
o. Sort temperatures so that its column names are in alphabetical order.