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Write a Python program that takes an email ID as input from the user. Your program

must first check if the user input is a valid email ID. In addition, your program needs to

do the following:

1. Print out the email ID as separate parts. For instance, if the email id

is, the program prints,

ID: some.body


1. Print the number of occurrences of each character in the email id and decide if it

is a vowel, consonant, or special character. For instance, a partial example is

given below.

s:1 - consonant

0:2 - vowel

m:1- consonant


.: 3 - special character

1. If there are numbers in the email id, print out if the number is divisible by 2, 3, 5,

or a combination. For instance, if the number 15 is in the email id, it is divisible by

3 and 5.

2. Provide an encrypted version of the email ID. This is done by converting all the

letters to numbers. For this use, the ASCII value of all the letters in the email id

(you can convert letters to ASCII values easily here), and if there are numbers in

the email id, add 2 to the numbers. Print out the original email ID and the

en crypted version. For instance:


268830 E

I can do it

7:04 pm


7:09 pm


wa/nTwo files need to be submitted:

(1) Primary Resource: A single PDF file of your ipynb workbook. A neat, clearly

presented, and easy-to-read file should be submitted. The file should be submitted with

the filename "student_name.pdf".

(2) Secondary Resource: A Zip file. The file should be submitted with the filename


The PDF file of your ipynb workbook should include the following as part of the

solution to the problem given below.

1. Algorithm, which clearly describes all steps and sub-steps required to arrive at

the solution, with clearly defined step numbers.

2. Flowchart, which is a picture that uses the standard notations of a flowchart and

depicts the flow of control.

3. Python code, which must NOT be a picture. The error-free code with all the

proper documentation and indentations must be included.

4. A paragraph mentioning the individual contribution of each group member in

the assignment.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2