Format. Reflective Article review will help to deepen learners' understanding of the application of
theories/concepts/models/frameworks into practice and aware of the latest findings in the area of Cl
and strategy. Learner needs to critically analyse an article and suggest how this knowledge can be
adaptive in a real work setting. Learners will summarize the article to reflect their understanding of
the article that they have read based on the questions as stated in the Article Review format:
Issues: (what are the Issues and Problems that are related to CI or Strategy noted in the article?
Critical review and reflections: (should cover the following items but not limited to:)
On the Body of Knowledge:
o Summary of the understanding of the concept introduced in the article.
o How is this concept linked to any of the CI Chapters in your Lesson?
o How useful is the concept at your workplace?
o Synthesize the findings with industry practice.