Write a file called blackjack.py that has:
a function called card_to_value(card) - this function takes as input a str variable
card. This represents a single card in blackjack. Either "2" through "9", "T" for ten, "J" for
Jack, "Q" for Queen, "K" for King, or "A" for Ace. This function returns the numeric
blackjack score of the card. For "A", this function should return 1, not 11. For "T" and the
face cards "J", "Q", "K", it should return 10. All other cards should return their int value
(example, "8" returns 8).
You do not have to worry about "invalid" card values. That is, we will only test your code with
valid card values.
a function called hard_score (hand) - this function takes in a hand as a string, where
each character is a card. For example, the string "J2A" means a Jack, a 2, and an Ace.