the many clients with cognitive issues that seek healthcare services and how to better understand their needs. Choose
a cognitive/mental health illness that you feel less knowledgeable about and address the following prompts by
including two to three examples of each bullet point:
• Choose a cognitive or mental health illness.
What is it? How is it diagnosed? How is it treated?
How does it differ from a physical or "visible" illness?
• Address the following for your chosen diagnosis.
• Historical
o Socioeconomic impact
• Political issues or impact
• Educational needs
o Topographical findings
Geographical impact
Cultural impact
• Include interdisciplinary interventions for this disease.
• Discuss the impact of a patient's value systems on management of this disease.
• Address the following health-care practices:
o Acute versus preventive care
• Barriers to health care
o Impact of pain and the sick role
o Cultural practices
Identify challenges related to:
Learning styles
o Autonomy
• Educational preparation
© Disease management
Fig: 1