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You have a CubeSat of 10×10×30 cm³ in size and 4 kg in mass. Estimate the size of a launch vehicle

that is capable of inserting this CubeSat (4 kg payload) into a circular LEO of 200 km-altitude. The

primary question is how small it could be when it is built using available technology today.<


1) You are free to use any tools available for your design and/or analysis. Even a hand-calculation

is fine.<

You are free to choose any type of propellant available. You may use known values of any

performance parameter without a detail calculation as long as you declare the source.<

Consideration of launch site, launch angle, number of staging, drag loss, gravitational loss, and

so on is up to your choice. Just make it clear what kind of assumption is made in your estimation.<

You may choose any launch site with any launch angle, however, it might be suggested to select

either of launch site of a) Naro Center in Southern Korean Peninsular or b) US Cape Canaveral,

Florida with launch angle 180 degree or to the straight south direction.<