your essays must be a least 750-1000 words or more, more is always better. Do not limit yourself to that minimum word count. Please use paragraphs. I sound like a broken record, but some of you do not heed this request. I will take off points if you do not. Remember, your essays are to be thoughtful, interpretive, analytical, critical thinking essays. Do not just narrate events and facts without explaining the larger issues. Extrapolate, argue a position. Be the historian. prompt: Explain in-depth why Reconstruction is one of the most transformative periods in US history, but often neglected. For me the era set the tone so to speak, for many
current issues such as race and white supremacy, especially in the South. Please read the prompt carefully and keep in mind what it is asking for you to address. Be thoughtful, be creative, be the historian! This essay is based of chapter 12-15 of this textbook "Give me liberty seagull" sixth edition.
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