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Problem 4. (35 points) Air flows over a 4 meter long flat plate at a velocity of 8 m/s.Using a spreadsheet, calculate the boundary layer thickness and wall shear stress

at 0.1meter intervals along the plate. Do not plot the wall shear stress at x=0. Use a transition Reynolds number of 5x105. (You will need to calculate Rex at each location to determine if the laminar or turbulent correlations should be used.) Generate a spreadsheet table that includes columns for the x location, Reynolds number, boundary layer thickness, and wall shear stress. Also include the exact transition location in the x column. At the transition location, calculate both the laminar and turbulent correlations and include both values in your plot. (The solution will have a jump at the transition point.) Plot your results for the boundary layer thickness and wall shear stress on separate plots. Submit a copy of your EXCEL table and the plots you generated. Include a plot title and label the axes with the variable name and units. Use only lines, no symbols, to show your analytical solution.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4