SPE Submission Template for Microsoft Word Copyright 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers This file contains general information on how to use this template to prepare your paper for SPE Conference
Proceedings. This template has been created to conform to the SPE-style guidelines. Please take time to read over the style descriptions. These styles have specific instructions for their use: Headers, Copyright, Nomenclature, References, Metric. 1.0 Accessing the SPE Proceedings Paper Template Click on the Manuscript Template link under the Templates headline in the author kit link. This will bring up a Speword.zip file to open or save to your computer. Unzip the Speword.zip file and extract the file Speword.dot. Find the file you extracted on your computer and double-click on it. A popup screen will come up and ask for your paper number, type it in and select OK. Next a screen will ask for your paper title, and then another screen will ask for the author names and company affiliations. Please use a comma to separate the author names and the company names; i.e., John Doe, ABC Company, Jane Doe, DEF Company, and Jack Doe, GHI Company. A copyright blurb and text specific to your meeting will show up. After you have finished creating your paper, when you create a pdf or try to print, the template may ask to confirm your paper number, title, and author name(s). Double check that all information is correct before continuing. TIP: If you would like to turn off the field from confirming your paper number, title, and author name(s), click on the "office button" at the top left, select the "Word Options" tab at the bottom, select "Display", make sure the "Update fields before printing" is Unchecked, and select OK. The styles described on the following pages are already created and are available in this template. However, all final manuscripts will be sent through an XML markup process that WILL alter the LAYOUT of the submitted manuscript, placing the content into SPE's standard template. The manuscript's final LAYOUT will not exactly match your submitted LAYOUT. This affects only the LAYOUT and will not in any way alter the content of the manuscript. 2.0 Headers If you are using the SPE Template the headers will automatically be created. Page numbers and headings, in 8-point Arial, should appear on Page 2 and all subsequent pages. On even-numbered pages, this should include the page number flush left and then SPE, dash, paper number, dash, MS, ( i.e., SPE-12345-MS), with a 1/2-point rule underneath. 2 On odd-numbered pages should be SPE, dash, paper number, dash, MS, flush left and the page number flush right (i.e., SPE-12345-MS), with a 1/2-point rule underneath. SPE-12345-MS SPE-12345-MS 3.0 Styles For Word 2007: Using Styles reduces formatting work in documents. To turn on or apply a Style to text: 1. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Styles header, or Press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S 2. Select the style you want to use. 3 SPE International SPE Submission Template for Microsoft Word continued... This section will give you a definition of each style, followed by any information that will be useful to note when applying. We have used Arial and Times New Roman fonts for this template. They are both True Type fonts that are most commonly available within a Windows environment. If not available, match as closely as possible (i.e., Helvetica and Times). Number 14-pt Arial Bold, flush left. Hard return chains to Title. Type the number assigned to your paper. Title* 14-pt Arial Bold, flush left, no hyphenation. Hard return chains to Author. Type the title of the paper, upper and lower case. Author* 10-pt Arial, flush left, no hyphenation. Hard return chains to Copyright. Author names should include the name of each author, followed by his/her company affiliation: J.B. Brown, Consolidated Flange; P.D. Smith, Smith Consulting; and E. White, Worldwide Washers Inc. If two or more authors have the same company affiliation, it should not be repeated after each name: E. White, P.D. Smith, and J.B. Brown, Consolidated Flange, and S. Lane, Worldwide Washers Inc. Copyright Copyright text is provided with this template in the form of "AutoText." This template contains the copyright information for this conference ONLY. 7-pt Arial, justified, hyphenation on. Hard return chains to Same Style. Head1* Insert an empty return above Head1. 14-pt Arial Bold, flush left, upper and lower case, no hyphenation, on line(s) by itself. Hard return chains to Para style. Use for Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion, Nomenclature, Acknowledgments, References, etc. Head2 Insert an extra return above. 12-pt Times New Roman Bold, justified, upper and lower case, hyphenation on, end with a period. Hard return chains to Para1 style. Paragraph text run-in. (Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-b will turn off bold.) Head3 12-pt Times New Roman Bold Italic, indented, justified, upper and lower case, hyphenation on, end with a period. Hard return chains to Para1 style. Paragraph text run-in. (Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + ib will turn off bold italics.) * Because these styles are created to call out the next logical style, if any of these styles run two or more lines and you don't like the automatic line break, you may insert a soft return (retaining the current style parameters) by holding down the shift key and THEN hitting enter. Head4 12-pt Times New Roman Italic, indented, justified, upper and lower case, hyphenation on, end with a period. Hard return chains to Para1 style. Paragraph text run-in. (Keyboard shortcut: Ctr + i will turn off italics.) Para 12-pt Times New Roman, justified, hyphenation on. Hard return chains to Para1 style. Follows Head1. Para1 12-pt Times New Roman, indented, justified, hyphenation on. Hard return chains to Same Style. Follows Head2, Head3, Head4, and Para. SPE Submission Template for Microsoft Word continued... Equation 12-pt Times New Roman, indented, flush left, line return above and below. Hard return chains to Para1 style. For single line equations type as body text. For a complex equation you will need to use the Equation Editor. SPE International For Word 2007: 1. Click on the insert tab. 2. Click on the Equation tab. 3. Create equation. Nomenclature 12-pt Times New Roman, hanging indent, hyphenation off. Symbols italic, definition Roman. Tab set: 0.56R & 0.61L. Hard return chains to Same Style. Default font is italic, tab over, type symbol followed by word space, = (equal sign), tab over, Ctrl-l (turns off italic) followed by definition. Note: The tabs set within this style may need to be adjusted depending on font used and length of symbol(s) copy being defined. Metric References 12-pt Times New Roman, justified, hyphenation on. Tab Set: 0.200R & 0.260L. Hard return chains to Same Style. Tab over, type reference number, tab over, type reference copy. Note: The tabs set within this style may need to be adjusted depending on font used. 12-pt Times New Roman. Tab Set: 0.8R, 0.85L, 1.99R & 2.03L. Hard return chains to Same Style. Tab over, type unit, tab over, × (times sign) followed by word space, type factor, tab over, type exponent, tab over, = (equal sign) followed by word space, type unit. Note: The tabs set within this style may need to be adjusted depending on font used. 4.0 Tables Cite all tables in numerical order in the body of the paper. Number them with Arabic, not Roman, numerals. Table titles and column headings should be as concise as possible. Use 10-pt Arial Bold for table title and 8-pt Arial for the body copy. Align columns with either tabs or spaces, not a mixture of both. Try to avoid any arrangement that unduly increases the depth of a table. 5.0 Figures FigCaptions 8-pt Arial Bold, justified, hyphenation on. Cite all figures in numerical order in the body of the paper. Number them with Arabic, not Roman, numerals.