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I have explained that the assignment is to find an issue with BMCC, explain the cause of the issue, and then pose a potential solution for the issue. This requires you

to speak with somebody at the school to understand the cause of the issue and potentially somebody at another school to investigate the solution to the issue. It is graded based upon completion with three standards applied: You need to deliver the presentation in class You need to have an outline with reasonable attempt at the proper format You need to have a visual aid without lots of words and text INSTRUCTIONS One Way to Improve BMCC( Borough of Manhattan Community College) Located in Manhattan in Chambers street The goal of public speaking, in many circumstances, is to make a difference in the world. As you have seen throughout this syllabus, speakers throughout the world have used their ability to stand in front of people and speak passionately to sway the tides of history. I would like you to do the same. Find something in the world today you care about and find a way for each of us to make a difference toward it, and make a For this final individual speech, I want us all to look big picture. Looking at the state of the world and the issues we've examined personally, locally, and internationally I would like us to determine one way to improve the world. What is something we can do to improve the world. This can be as big picture or as small as you'd like but it needs to be something which would be accomplishable by any individual in the room. For this assignment, I would like to see us go through the following process: 1) Self-Introspection - What do you care about in the world? Think about who you are, what you care about, and why you care about it. Is there a single issue which has directly impacted you more than others? Is there an issue which has impacted those you love? Choose something you're passionate about. 2) Investigation - Look into the issue. Find multiple resources from every walk of life, from different countries, different perspectives and try to really understand the issue. What does it mean to the average person? What does it mean to people suffering? What does it mean to people thriving? Understand every angle of the issue so you can make a strong determination. 3) Determination - What needs to be done about it? Now that you've investigated the problem you can figure out a practical way we could each work towards solving the problem. What is the best way the people in the audience (meaning our class in this scenario) could help towards the solution? 4) Persuasion - How can you convince the audience (our class in this situation) to take that action? Consider what you know about the audience and determine what you think might lead them to take action. This presentation will be also be graded on a collection of specific criteria: Time: 7-9 minutes Outline Construction: Rules and format followed Presentation: Basic considerations for how to present information Visual Aids: Visuals used to help assist audience's understanding of material Research: Is there enough information from reliable sources cited to support the statements? Argument: Have you created a convincing argument toward your goal? Need PPT Slide 7-8 with speaker Notes Add picture and Images MLA references

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