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OVERVIEW & REQUIREMENTS Digitize line art and paint accurately incorporating hilights, shadows and textures using one of the techniques taught. TIPS - Remember [] for changing brush size - Number keys to change opacity of brush -Shift + number keys to change flow -Lock transparent pixels PURPOSE & LEARNING OUTCOMES Practical and appropriate use of layers for digital painting, masking, clipping masks, pixel lock, opacity & flow, selections, use and understanding of brush functions, attention to detail, brush textures, luminosity values (light & shadows), developing your own workflow. INSTRUCTIONS Pick one of the line art images provided, your choice. Using one of the techniques taught in class, digitize the line art then colourize the image in your chosen painting style. Be sure to add hi-lights, shadows and use texture brushes. Do not flatten or merge layers, use folders to keep layers clean and organized. File must be a PSD with layers intact to be accepted. Uploading might take a while. RESOURCES/REFERENCE Discover painting styles you would like to try out. Search instagram or pinterest for inspiration. The line art was contributed by Chlara Vercesl. PTC has a great tutorial on separating line art (intermediate): There will be no extensions for this project - plan accordingly. SUBMISSION DETAILS Assignment to be submitted via Blackboard Link. Save file as a .psd (Photoshop native) - **Do not flatten or merge layers** Assignments must follow the naming convention: YourName_Final.psd SOFTWARE DEADLINE Adobe Photoshop Friday of Week 13 COURSE WEIGHT 25% RUBRIC Follows Instructions [5] Painting techniques applied, colours, layer [10] organization, effort Use of brushes, shadows, hi-lights, textures, attention to detail, overall [10]

Fig: 1