Analytical Chemistry

Questions & Answers

The unknown chlorate is one of the following choices: sodium chlorate NaCIO, potassium chlorate KCIO, magnesium chlorate Mg(CIO)₂. or calcium chlorate Ca(CIO) Calculate the percent composition of oxygen in each compound for comparison. Report percentages with proper precision Conclusion: Of the four possible unknown compounds,___________________ has a percentage composition closest to your experimental percentage of oxygen. Error Analysis: Calculate the percent error of your result using the calculated percentage of oxygen (from above) as the expected value. Be sure to show the equation and your work.

7. If the results of a glucose determination was 60 mg/dL, and the original specimen had been diluted 1:5 and 1:5 again, what results should be reported?

8. A stock glucose standard has a concentration of 100 mg/dL. A 1:50 dilution of the standard is done. What is the concentration of the resulting dilution?

9. How much of a 1:25 dilution can be made with 4 mL of serum?

10. A white blood count is done on a blood sample that has been diluted 1:20. The number of cells counted in the sample is 202 cells/μL. What should be reported for the undiluted sample?

11. In a multiple dilution series, 10 mL of serum from tube 1 and 90 mL of diluent are added and mixed in tube 2. From tube 2, 10 mL is taken and added to 40 mL of diluent in tube 3. If the original concentration of the sample had been 50 mg/dL, what is the concentration in tube 3?

5. Determine the amount of serum needed to make 250 mL of a 1:10 dilution.

3. If a tube has 455 mL of diluent and 65 mL of concentrated solution added to it, what is the final dilution?

2. A multiple dilution series was made. The sample was diluted 1:4, 1:2, 1:5, and 1:10. What is the final dilution in the last tube?

In the first part of this experiment, UV-Vis spectra will be recorded for several, simple aromatic molecules in toluene solution. Beer-Lambert plots will be constructed for each aromatic spices and the molar extinction coefficient determined. In the second part of the experiment, unknown samples will be investigated. Given the information derived in part one, UV-Vis spectroscopy will be used qualitatively to identify the species, and then quantitatively to determine the amount of each component present in the unknown sample.

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