Embedded System

Questions & Answers

Consider an infinite sequence of binary bits: a. Draw the state diagram for a Mealy machine that reads the infinite sequence of bits and produces 1 in the output if the last four bits that the machine has read are 1100; otherwise the output is 0. You can use maximum of 4 states in your diagram. b. Build the state table for the Mealy machine drawn in (a). c. Implement the sequential circuit of the Mealy machine drawn in (a)using two D Flip-Flops and any other needed logical gates.

Find the 2's complement for the following: (1010101)2 (1110011)2

4. Using PSPICE (or alternate) Build the circuit shown at right. Use zener diodes. The source V1 is a VSIN with amplitude of 20 V and frequency of 100 Hz. Set up a transient simulation that will run over a period of 50 ms (5 periods of the sine wave). Set themaximum step size to be 0.1 ms, giving 500 points in the simulation so that the traces in the graph willbe smooth. What to we expect from this circuit? When the sinusoid is positive, diode D2 will be forward-biased andD1 will be reverse-biased. There will be no current flow unless D1 goes into its breakdown mode. If D1breaks down, then the total voltage across the diodes will be clipped at the breakdown voltage plus oneforward diode drop: VB + 0.7. During the negative half-cycle, the opposite happens: D1 is forward-biased and D2 reverse-biased. No current flows unless D2 breaks down, in which case the voltage will beclamped at -(VB + 0.7 V). Question: What is the breakdown voltage of the diodes used in the circuit? Comment on your results

8. A ferromagnetic core with a relative permeability of 1500 is shown in the following figure. The core depth is 6 cm. Assuming the current in the coil with 250 turns to be 4 A: -) Find 4, l2, lz and l4 in meters. (4 points) Find cross-sectional area (in m²) in the four sections of the core. O Find the reluctances of each section (R1,R2, R3,R4) as defined in the equivalent circuit shown in the below figure. (4 points) O Find the total reluctance of the magnetic equivalent circuit Rtot. What is the magneto-motive force F produced by the coil in A.t? ) Calculate the total flux in the core and draw the direction of it in both figures. Calculate the magnetic flux density in the left and right columns (B1and B3). ( h) Calculate the magnetic flux intensity in the left and right columns (H, and H3).(2 points) Calculate the mmf drop across R1 and R3. (

Convert the following (stop at 5 significant numbers for the fraction) (216.52)10 to Binary (399.234)10 to Hexadecimal (84.5)10 to Octal (1110101.1011)2 to Hexadecimal (AB12)16 to Binary (4654.421)s to Binary (FACD)16 to Octal

Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) Receiver Design Explain the basic principle of coherent detection technique inoptical wireless communications with the help of a system block-diagram.[4 Marks) Explain the basic operation of a LED and the steps involved toachieve the spontaneous emission, discuss the processes usingappropriate diagrams. Name any three properties of an LEDsthatare important for the design of a communication system.(6 Marksl A photodiode has a quantum efficiency (n) of 65 % when photonsof energy 1.5X1019J are incident upon it, calculate the followings: at what wavelength is the photodiode operating? the responsivity of the photodiode at the above wavelength. the incident power required to obtain a photocurrent of 2.5HA at the above wavelength.[3 Marks] E=hf=\frac{hc}{\lambda};R=\frac{nq}{hf}R=\frac{ip}{p^0}

. Phase of a Sinusoid: The phase of a sinusoid can be related to a time shift as follows: x(t)=A \cos \left(2 \pi f_{0} t+\phi\right)=A \cos \left(2 \pi f_{0}\left(t-t_{1}\right)\right) Assume that the period To of the sinusoidal wave is 8 s. Find the value of ø when ti=-2 sec Find the value of ø when ti= 3 sec Find the value of ø when tı=7 sec

Consider changing the controller by adding one integrator. G_{c}(s)=K_{0}+K_{1} / s This controller is known as a Pl controller. Pl stands for proportional plus integral. Write a MATLAB m file script that predicts the steady state error given a values of Kg andK1. Plot the step response for Ko-2 and K1= 20. Write an MS Word document summarizing your results. Embed yourm file within theword doc, along with the plots, and a discussion of the steady state error result.

Consider the system given below. Our goal is design a controller, G(s), with minimum complexity that cantrack a unit step input with zero steady state error. Try the simplest controller a conctant G_{c}(s)=K Write a MATLAB m file script that predicts the steady state error given a value of K. Plotthe step response for K = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Write an MS Word document summarizing your results. Embed your m file within theword doc, along with the plots, and a discussion of the steady state error result. pdf the file and upload to this link.

Phasor Notation: Two sinusoidal signals are defined as x_{1}(t)=\sqrt{5} \cos (7 t-\pi / 3) \quad x_{2}(t)=\sqrt{5} \cos (7 t+\pi) \text { and their sum is denoted as } x(t)=x_{1}(t)+x_{2}(t) \text { a) Find the complex valued signal } z_{1}(t) \text { such that } x_{1}(t)=\Re\left\{z_{1}(t)\right\} \text { Find the complex valued signal } z_{2}(t) \text { such that } x_{2}(t)=\Re\left\{z_{2}(t)\right\} \text { Find the complex valued signal } z(t) \text { such that } x(t)=\Re\{z(t)\}

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