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Impedance match a complex load of ZL = 25+ j15 Q to a 50 Q source impedance using a three element L-C matching pi-type network with one series inductor. Remember to perform conjugate matching for maximum power transfer. Determine the component values for operation at 300 MHz. Simulate using ADS and include results of Sl1 and S21plots up to 1 GHz. Place a marker at 500 MHz. (33 pts)

2. Using PSpice (or alternate), obtain the output characteristics (ic versus vce ) for an non 2N3904 BJT. The base-emitter junction is forward biased with a DC current source and the collector-base junction is reversed biased by a DC voltage source connected between the collector and emitter. Use the DC analysis and set up the DC sweep. The dialog box should be opened and for the main Sweep variable type VCE , the linear sweep is set from 0 to 10 V in increments of 0.01 V. The Nested Seep button is clicked to open its dialog box, and for the Nested Sweep variable type iB , use a linear seep from 0 to 60m A in increment of 10 m A. In Probe add the trance IC(Q1) and obtain the BJT output characteristics(you are supposed to get the BJT's curves).

In ADS, select a chip inductor from the Coil Craft library with an inductance value of 80nH. Determine the maximum Q factor of the

) Calculate the inductance of a 5 inch length of copper flat ribbon conductor. The dimensions of the ribbon are 0.100 inches in width and 0.002 inches thick.

What is the Run-Length encoding for the following sequence? АAАAAАВВВВВВССССАААAADDDDEBDDDBAAAAAАА What is the compression ratio (Original size divided by Encoded sized)?

RF Transceiver Design Mention any four components of a regenerative satellite transponder that you know. As a RF design engineer, consider afull duplex communication link(simultaneous reception andtransmission) through a satellite withthe following requirements: The uplink signal is 145 MHz while the downlink is at 435 MHz; A 20 W power amplifier is used on the uplink with 25 dB gain;and It is necessary to provide a low pass filter on the uplink to passonly the 145 MHz uplink signal while rejecting any noise powerin the 435 MHz band. Briefly explain the two RF components design techniquesfor anoptimum performance.[6 Marks) The following are the specifications for a 145-MHz low-pass filter designfor this satellite link: Chebyshev response with 0.1 dB passband ripple; a passband cut-off frequency (not the -3 dB frequency) at 160MHz; at least -40 dB rejections at 435 MHz. i) order of the filter; left-half plane poles.

Q1. In embedded systems, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) takes________signal from external world and give to processor as a digital or binary signal

Perform the following subtraction. The numbers are complement representation in signed 2s complement representation (00011101)2 – (00011010)2 (00011101)2- (11111010)2

1. The current mirror on Figure P1.1 uses NPN BJTS Q3 and Q4 with current gains B3 = B4 = B =220. Find the value of the DC current I, that it produces. Consider the BJT Differential Amplifier (DA) on Figure P1.2. Transistors Q1 and Q2 have current gains B1 = B2 = B = 220. The previous current mirror (the one of Figure P1.1) is used to provide the current IFe = I,, with I, being the current that you found in Question 1 (Problem 1). Let IB,, Ic,, and Ig, be, respectively, the base, collector, and emitter currents of Q,. Moreover,let IB,, Ic,, and Ig, be, respectively, the base, collector, and emitter currents of Q2. DC Analysis: Based on what you found in Problem 1, Question 1, express and compute IB,,Ic, Ig,, IB,, Ic2, and Ig,.a. i.Differential Mode: Express and compute the Differential Mode gain Adm: ii.Common Mode: Express and compute the Common Mode gain Acm: For REE (as you have in your notes) use ro4=va/1p4, with VA =104 V and ID4, = IeE- ii.Compute the Common Mode Rejection Ration (CMRR) is dB.

Applications of Graphene Based Nanoparticles Investigate the definition and history of graphene material: Define graphene material. Who discovered graphene and when? Describe and present the characteristics of graphene-based nanoparticles: a. Physical b. Chemical c. Mechanical d. Electrical O Present a single application of graphene nanoparticles in some detail. а.Please provide an appropriate reference for the application. b. Comment on which property of graphene enables this application.

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