Petroleum Refinery Operations

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Question 1. 1. Derive the design equations for gas capacity and oil capacity constraints for a horizontal separator for the following two cases: i. The gas occupies 75% of the separator effective volume. ii. The gas occupics 25% of the separator effective volume.

Design a horizontal separatoe to handle the field production. If the field is located offshore, design the appropriate separator to handle the field production.

2. Give a general description of what happens in the first distillation column (atmospheric fractional distillation).

2. We need to calculate the clay required to make up mud.Assume a mud volume of 200 BBL. A high yield clay (33BBL/ton) will be used. a. How many 100 lbm. "sacks" of clay are required? b. How much water is needed? What is the mud density before weighting? d.How 200 lbm. "sacks" of barite are required to many raise the density by 0.25 ppg? Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the well.C. e.Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the well.

1. We are using an 12 lb/gal mud with Fann VG readings of22 at 300 rpm and 34 at 600 rpm. We have 6000 ft of 4.26inch inside diameter 5 inch outside diameter drill pipe. The pump outlet pressure is rated to a maximum of 3000 psia and the well is 6000 ft deep. if the mud was designed for "balance" when not circulating, what is the reservoir pressure?a. b. What are K and n?n c. What are Hpand t, ?Hp d. The bit has 3 nozzles 15/32 in diameter, i. What is the pressure drop across the bit if we circulate at 500 gpm? ii. What would the frictional pressure drop through drill pipe be? iii. What would the frictional pressure drop through the annulus be? iv. So what would the pump pressure be, and does this pose a problem?

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