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In this paper I am going to describe my current task which is how to conduct a packet analysis using Wireshark tool. Introduction: Wireshark is one of the most popular open-source software which is widely used for network protocol analysis to trouble shoot network problem, security issues and to improve the accuracy. This tool captures the offline data from different networks to analysis the data packet. To perform the packet analysis, we need to have a proper internet access and need to install the Wireshark in the system. The colour coding scheme of Wireshark helps the user to identify the type of network which is also known as packet colorization. The colour of the packets can be green, blue and dark


The student will research on alternative hospitality destinations related to the trends discussed in unit 4. The student must create a power point presentation (or similar) on an alternative touristic destination to show its characteristics, accommodation, and activities available for travellers searching for alternative options.

Soft skills in the workplace: Why communication skills are essential for employment

Since this is an IS class, your "product" will be an app or a website. Your goal in this project is to create a prototype of your product, as if you were really going to test it with customers. You may want to review the Agile and MVP lectures again. You will not need to do a pivot for this project.

Choose one ethical issue, problem, dilemma, topic, etc. covered in our course or some issues you find online Create an awareness campaign based on the problem, issue, dilemma, topic, etc. of your choice (for example against the harms of smoking and addiction, against bullying, discrimination, racism, plagiarism, etc. or to promote and strengthen the values and moral behavior within a professional environment, the importance of ethics, codes of ethics, etc.).

Much like your notebook, your culminating project reading should be a combination of images, notes, and artifacts that capture your thinking and discovery as you read your novel. Entries in your reading journal should be based on the following: narrative structure character theme biographical and historical context critical analysis through different literary lenses • text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections

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