
Questions & Answers

The Relationship Between Sigmund Freud Theory and Professional career Development How to use the theory in the career development of the employees

prepare a powerpoint about your campaign explaining your choice, the importance of the issue, problem, dilemma, topic, etc. and the goals of your campaign.

Medical Malpractice Create a PowerPoint presentation detailing the standard operating procedure in dealing with "near misses" in your facility. Be sure to address the following issues: Examine any applicable rules and regulations pertaining to malpractice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Detail a specific procedure in dealing with the reporting of medical errors in a healthcare facility.

Need to make presentation on topic: "impact of COVID 19 on international economics basically just a summary about impact of covid 19 on tourism, trade, health sector and transportation

Creative and Innovative Thinking Innovative Idea- A plate that measures temperature

Taking information that you have previously prepared for this course, create a powerful report (using storytelling and MS PowerPoint) for the CEO of an organization of your choice (examples could include Amazon, Netflix, FedEx, etc.) or use the Case Study on USB provided in your text. Explain the value of using data analysis and the risks of not using data analysis. The presentation should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course. Support the report with visualizations you create or have already created in previous weeks.

I want presentation from 7 slices summarize every thing in article in simple words and explain the figures 1- Introduction ( one sentence) 2- Idea of this research ( one sentence) 3- Aim of this research ( one sentence) 4- Materials and methods (experiment) (few sentences) 5- Explain Catalyst Characterization. 6- Results and discussions (few sentences) 7- Explain all figure in the article every thing 8- Explain mechanism in this article 9- Error in this article 10- How this product is usfull and how long time for use it(one sentence) 11- is this product fix the problem (one sentence) 12- Criticism and judgment this research (one sentence) 13- Conclusions (one sentence)

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